Russian Black Sea Fleet Servers Breached By Ukraine's Cyber Forces

Russian Cruiser "Moskva" - flagship of the Black Sea fleet

Ukraine's Cyber Forces are continuing to breach Russian Ministry of Defense targets and extract valuable data, apparently at will. This time the target was the communications servers for Russia's Black Sea fleet. 

The breach was announced this morning on Telegram. Here is a translation:

"The cyber troops of Ukraine have received full access to the internal correspondence of the command of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation. Current correspondence was immediately sent to the special services. Glory to Ukraine!"

One ship specifically mentioned in the stolen documents was the pride of the Russian Navy and the flagship of the Black Sea fleet - the Moskva. Her schematics were included in the stolen data pictured below:

Also taken was information about the 68th Sea Area Defense Brigade (military unit #26977, Sevastopol) that was involved in the occupation of Crimea, and the 11th Brigade of Anti-Submarine Ships (BASS) including the Russian Destroyer Smetlivy that was involved in the Russian attack on Ukraine in 2014. Additional cyber attacks against Russian Ministry of Defense are ongoing and will be shared here as frequently as possible.


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